As the basis of our work with children and adolescents, we will rely on the multiple intelligence model of H. Gardner.
For us is important to look at the various areas, where a talent may be present. We do not want that children adapt to one model, but we want to work together in order to find their talents and to reach a suitable assistance.
The nine intelligences
1. Linguistic Intelligence: Linguistic ability, whether it is the mother tongue or a foreign language, is accurately used to express our own thoughts, to reflect or to understand the others. Poets, writers, speakers, lawyers, advertisers and journalists, for example, have developed this ability particularly well.
2. Musical intelligence: The capacity to think in terms of music, to perceive, to recognize, to remember, to transform and to reproduce musical rhythms and patterns. Many composers, musicians and conductors are speaking about the continuous "tones in the head". New studies have shown that an early musical education influences many other intelligence areas in significant and positive way.
3. Logical-mathematical intelligence: the ability to recognize easily relationships and patterns, to demonstrate sequential reasoning skills, and to generate and use abstract thoughts, and as well as the ability to cope with numbers, quantities and mental operations. Researchers, computer experts and philosophers have the logical-mathematical intelligence strongly defined.
4. Spatial Intelligence: The ability to perceive visual information correctly, to experiment with it in the mind and to imagine the world spatially. The chess players or sculptors need this ability just as well as the architects or painters. With puzzles, Tangram and Origami this ability can be encouraged through play at an early stage, and also by moving etc.
5. Body Intelligence: The capacity to use skillfully the entire body or its parts, such as hands or feet, to solve a problem or to produce something. Athletes, actors, dancers and surgeons have developed this ability to a great extent.
6. Intrapersonal intelligence: The ability to control impulses, to know your own limits and to deal wisely with your own feelings. People with intrapersonal skills know their possibilities very well and often we feel attracted to them. Actors, writers and artists use these skills as their profession. Children who can perceive and express their mental state very well, and can identify their strengths and limitations, have a strong intrapersonal intelligence.
7. Interpersonal intelligence: The ability to understand other people and to communicate with them empathetically. Teachers, salesmen, politicians or therapist especially have this predisposition highly developed. Intra- and interpersonal intelligences are strongly connected to each other and they both belong to the emotional intelligence.
8. Naturalist intelligence: The ability to observe, distinguish, detect and develop sensitivity for nature and its phenomena. Foresters, botanists, biologists, veterinarians, environmental experts and chefs demonstrate a distinctive naturalist intelligence.
9. Existential intelligence: The ability to identify the essential questions of our existence and to seek answers to these questions. Spiritual leaders and philosophy thinkers embody this ability. The Dalai Lama is the famous representative of this intelligence. The existential intelligence has not been yet described by Howard Gardner as definitely explained intelligence
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